Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Title: Highly Complex and Networked Control Systems


  • Defi: Engineering of Networked Monitoring and Control Systems

  • Instrument: Network of Excellence (NoE)

  • Duration: September 2010 - August 2014

  • Coordinator: CNRS (France)

  • Others partners: INRIA (France), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), TU Berlin (Germany), TU Delft (Netherlands) and many others

  • See also: http://www.hycon2.eu

  • Abstract: Hycon 2 aims at stimulating and establishing a long-term integration in the strategic field of control of complex, large-scale, and networked dynamical systems. It focuses in particular on the domains of ground and aerospace transportation, electrical power networks, process industries, and biological and medical systems.

  • Title: Foundations of Web Data Management

  • Type: IDEAS

  • Instrument: ERC Advanced Grant (Advanced)

  • Duration: December 2008 - November 2013

  • Coordinator: INRIA (France)

  • Others partners: N/A

  • See also: http://webdam.inria.fr

  • Abstract: The goal of the Webdam project is to develop a formal model for Web data management. This model will open new horizons for the development of the Web in a well-principled way, enhancing its functionality, performance, and reliability. Specifically, the goal is to develop a universally accepted formal framework for describing complex and flexible interacting Web applications featuring notably data exchange, sharing, integration, querying and updating. We also propose to develop formal foundations that will enable peers to concurrently reason about global data management activities, cooperate in solving specific tasks and support services with desired quality of service. Although the proposal addresses fundamental issues, its goal is to serve as the basis for future software development for Web data management. S. Abiteboul has left Leo in September 2011. From this date, WebDam is no longer formally connected to the team, although collaborations with them continue.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7

KIC EIT ICT Labs DataBridges
  • Program: KIC EIT ICT Labs, “Digital Cities” Thematic Action Line

  • Project acronym: DataBridges

  • Project title: “Data Integration for Digital Cities”

  • Duration: January 2011 - December 2011

  • Coordinator: Ioana Manolescu (INRIA Saclay, Leo)

  • Other partners: IASI and BD teams from University of Paris 11; DFKI (Germany); TU Delft (The Netherlands); Aalto University (Finland); KTH (Sweden); Alcatel (France)

  • Abstract: Digital cities are information exchange marketplaces where companies, individuals, and administrations all interact through many-directional flows. Interesting recent development in this context are: the open data trend, aiming at making data freely shared by several parties, and the linked data technical initiative, leading to establishing connections across data sets toward integrating them. Our activity studies concrete and fundamental aspects connected to the creation, integration, personalization, and efficient sharing of open linked data in digital cities.

KIC EIT ICT Labs ConnectedCities
  • Program: KIC EIT ICT Labs, “Digital Cities” Thematic Action Line

  • Project acronym: ConnectedClouds

  • Project title: “Clouds for Connected Cities”

  • Duration: January 2011 - December 2011

  • Coordinator: Djamal Zeghlache (Télécom SudParis)

  • Other partners: IASI and BD teams from University of Paris 11; TU Berlin (Germany) etc.

  • Abstract: Digital cities are information exchange marketplaces where companies, individuals, and administrations all interact through many-directional flows. The ConnectedClouds activity aims at developing tools and techniques for efficiently gathering and managing large volumes of data within cloud-based platforms [62] .

Major European Organizations with which you have followed Collaborations

  • Volker Markl: Technical University of Berlin, Database and Information Systems Lab (Germany)

  • Efficient management of Web data in a cloud environment

  • Cédric Pruski: Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor (CRP) (Luxembourg)

  • Reconciliation of Dynamic Medical Knowledge Organizing Systems

  • Giorgio Ghelli: Università di Pisa (Italy)

  • Type analysis of XML queries.

  • Carlo Sartiani: Università della Basilicata (Italy)

  • Type analysis of XML queries.

  • Vasilis Vassalos: Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)

  • Materialized XML views: rewriting and view recommendation